Ring in the New Year with better financial health

As we enter the new year, it's time to look at how we can improve our financial health. Whether you're starting fresh or looking for ways to improve your finances, now is an excellent opportunity to take control of your money and create good habits that will lead to long-term financial success. 敲响新年的钟声, we are sharing these easy tips and tricks to help you kick off 2023 with better financial health.

1. Access your financial situation and set (realistic) goals.

When beginning the journey toward better financial health, it is crucial to assess your current situation and set realistic goals. This can involve reviewing your income, expenses, debts, and savings. Having a clear picture of where you stand financially will help you develop achievable goals for the year ahead.

考虑短期目标, such as reducing excessive spending or paying down debt, 长期目标, like building up an emergency fund or investing in retirement accounts.

一旦你确定了目标, create step-by-step plans on how you can reach them throughout the year. 有了一些计划, 纪律, 和奉献精神, achieving these targets can lead to better financial health in 2023.

2. 做一个预算,记录你的支出.

Creating a budget is a critical step when it comes to improving your finances. It will help you track where your money is going and ensure that your spending aligns with your goals.

Start by tracking your income sources on one side and then list all your expenses on the other. This includes anything from rent and bills to groceries and entertainment. Once you understand what you're spending each month, adjust accordingly if certain items are over budget or if there's room to cut costs.

It is important to remember to also factor in things like irregular expenses such as car repairs or trips so that you aren't caught off guard. 如果你对预算很陌生, you have the ability to set up savings goals and track your spending with the help of Texas Tech Credit Union's Financial Wellness tool in the mobile app and in online banking.

You can also use the Federal Trade Commission's 免费预算工作表 来帮助你开始. 有一个精心设计的预算, you'll be more likely to stay on track and reach your financial goals this year.

3. 偿还债务,积累储蓄.

Paying down debt and building up savings are two of the most critical steps to improving your financial health. Reducing existing debt can free up cash flow, while increasing savings can give you a buffer in case of emergencies or other unexpected expenses.

To pay down debt, focus on targeting the accounts with the highest interest rates first. 例如, credit card debt typically has higher rates than student loans, so it's a good idea to prioritize paying that off sooner rather than later.

至于储蓄, try setting aside small amounts every month until you reach a comfortable cushion amount. 汽车mating transfers from your paycheck into savings can also make this easier, as you will remember to set money aside each month.

4. 建立并提高你的信用评分.

Improving your credit score can also play a significant role in reaching financial health. This three-digit number is used to gauge how well you manage debt, and it's vital for things like getting approved for loans or mortgages.

The best way to improve your credit is by making all payments on time, which will help demonstrate that you are responsible for borrowing money. It would be best if you also aimed to keep your utilization low—ideally under 30%—which means spending less than one-third of your available credit each month. For more ways to improve your credit score, visit our blog post, 提高信用评分的5种方法."

The start of a new year is the perfect time to take control of your finances and set yourself up for success. 纪律严明,持之以恒, these steps will help you reach financial stability this year and beyond.